Monday, November 30, 2009

One of my babies gone!

Moochy Bunny

I am so happy! I just sold one of my dolls yay yay and yay!
It is just nice to know that someone out there likes my dolls and wants to buy one.
My collection is called Moochy and I sell them on Etsy. The name is a long story that I'll share later.
I decided to make more of these dolls during the Christmas break, especially more like the one I sold because she seems to be popular!
I cant wait to start sewing....oh and maybe a new sawing machine?? yes?

Bye bye baby!

(Acabo de vender uno de mis conejitos de mi collection llamada Moochy. Me da alegria saber que hay gente que le gusta lo que hago y que quiere comprar uno. Decidi hacer mas de estos durante mi vacacion y quiza hasta me compre una maquina de coser de verdad :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

When I first moved here from Bolivia, 6 years ago, Thanksgiving was not important to me because we don't celebrate it in Bolivia. However, as time passed I saw my friends and people around me getting excited in this day. Families get together, they have huge dinners, they play games, or they just sit, talk and catch up on things. Thanksgiving is not just any day as I thought, it is a day to remember those who we love and make us smile, to be grateful to life for being alive, to thank those who make our life exciting, and worthwhile everyday and for all of that I am thankful!

(Click the pic to enlarge)

What are you thankful for??

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My muse!

This is a digital drawing using Corel Painter. I'm in love with the program, but I still need to learn a lot. I used charcoal and  my precious pup Cinnamon served as model!
Isn't she precious???

p.s.. If you want a portrait of your pup send me a pic you like and I'll try my best to capture their cuteness :)

(Un dibujo que hize de mi perrita. Ella siempre me inspira a crear! Acaso no se ve preciosa?)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Discovering more iPhone apps!

My iPhone is being bombarded with different applications every day. Another drawing app that I found and love is called TypeDrawing. With this app you can make interesting drawing using words. It is really neat if you have the patience and love drawing.

Little birdie.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sugar Therapy!

Last month, my lovely friend Melissa and I started a small baking business called Sugar Therapy. We joined our love for baking and decorating to create delicious and good looking cakes, cupcakes and cookies. More details about this new passion can be found here
The name comes from our practice as a psychotherapists and because cooking itself is very therapeutic!
Today I had the opportunity to test our concept with the kids I am seeing in counseling. I brought already made carrot mini-cakes for the children to decorate and they loved it!

I gave them two mini cupcakes and asked them to focus on two feelings. Then, I had them decorate the cupcakes according to the feelings they thought. One of the kids chose sad and happy. When she was done decorating, I asked her when was the last time she was sad or excited. Lastly, I told her to pick the cupcake with the feeling she wanted to keep. She chose the happy one and ate it. 
This activity, which I am going to call "Sugar Therapy" from now on, came out to be very helpful if you want children talk about their feelings and do not mention that kids love cupcakes and can do anything for them!

Some of the cupcakes they decorated!

Sad and Happy ones!

A "loved" one!

(Espanol; el mes pasado mi amiga y yo abrimos un pequeno negocio de pasteles llamdo Sugar Therapy, que significa Therapy del Azucar. El nombre viene de la passion de Melissa por cocinar y mi passion por la decoration y nuestras profesiones como psicologas. Hoy puse en practica nuestro concepto en una de mis sessiones con lo ninos. Traje mini pasteles para que ellos lo decoren y les gusto mucho. Asi pudimos hablar de sus emociones por que es muy dificil hacer que un nino hable de eso, pero con un poco de azucar uno consigue mucho de un pequenin.)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Some Bolivian Art!

"El Diablo" The Devil in oil pastels.

One of my favorite Bolivian artist had an art exhibition in the Bay Area this past weekend and I could not have missed it for anything in the world!
His name is Roberto Mamani Mamani and is from the same city was born, La Paz, Bolivia. I was very excited to meet him and tell him I am his number one fan. As I expected he is very humble, friendly and very inspiring.
He comes from an indigenous family and is very proud of his culture. He gets his inspiration from the richness of the Ayamara culture which is known for the use of vivid and striking colors in their clothes.

He was very welcoming when I approach him. When I asked him if he could sign my book, he took my book and said: "I am going to make you a portrait instead," He drew a sketch of me and signed it. It was a breathtaking experience! 
He is going around the world to show his art work and his next destination will be Europe. As a fellow proud Bolivian, I wish him the best!

Mamani-Mamani Art Work

(Now in Espanol: El muy reconocido artista Boliviano Roberto Mamani Mamani estuvo en San Francisco el pasado fin de semana. Como no era de esperar fuimos a ver su exposision y a conocerlo en persona. Nos atendio muy bien. Es muy amigable y sobre todo humilde. Le pedi su autografo y el ademas de eso hizo un dibujo mio que apenas se ve en la foto. Me inspiro mucho conocerlo y me dio aun mas ganas de pintar y dibujar. Mamani estara de gira por Europa y como buena Boliviana le deseo lo mejor!)